

Hi, I’m Paul Munger, Founder of Christian Film Connect. Over the past decade as I’ve worked in the Christian Film Industry and watched it grow I saw the need for a centralized source to facilitate the interaction and help meet the needs of the filmmakers. With the help of Brandon Kauffman and Kauffman Design Studios we created this website to serve as a sort of virtual studio, connecting Christians making movies in order to get their projects greenlit, packaged, funded, produced and distributed. So why the name Christian Film Connect?


While there are other sites out there that can connect Christians making films, CFC is specifically dedicated to people who identify as Christian and are intent upon making films from a Christian worldview.  We recognize that there are differences of beliefs, ways of worship and and expressions of faith. This platform aims to serve broadly and respect the orthodox beliefs and practices under the banner of Christian. Christian Film Connect requires all members to check the box indicating subscription to basic fundamentals of Christianity.  And what are those core beliefs?

  • The Biblical canon as the sole authoritative Scripture
  • God is a Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • The Incarnation & Virgin Birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ
  • Death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ
  • Salvation comes through the sacrifice of Christ alone and is received by Grace thru Faith alone
  • The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the world

Christians do not always agree with each other about everything. In fact, Christians often disagree with each other. We believe that there are many great traditions within Christianity which have contributed in many different ways. Anybody who joins Christian Film Connect and chooses to attack or undermine the traditions of others may find themselves asked to leave if this causes undue offense or annoyance to other members. See our Terms and Conditions 

We appreciate that no definition is perfect. Many say one thing and believe another. Some of us are seeking, some are struggling, and others feel confident in their beliefs. None of us are in the same place in our journey. The important point is that we should be honest about where we are and not claim to be what we are not. Your profile gives you the opportunity to declare your faith.


“In the Beginning God created…” (Genesis 1:1) With those 5 simple words opens the Story of all Stories, and it all begins with a God who creates. He could have chosen to reveal Himself in any number of ways, but His act of creating is highlighted first.  We human beings, created in the image of our Creator, are born creators. To create, in its simplest form, is to bring into existence.  He brought forth the time and space continuum out of no prior existing material; we work from pre-existing material.  Through skill and wisdom something new is brought forth.  For the Christian, our acts of creating imitate His, reflecting that which is true, good and beautiful, virtues all tracing back to their fountainhead, God.


Stories are powerful!  They delight, inspire, challenge and move us emotionally. They communicate truth.  No matter what theme or genre, we have a worldview that provides a strong foundation for an endless number of stories, ideas, images and themes. Which brings us to movies, one of the premiere art forms in the world, combining visual imagery with spoken word and complementary music.  A well made movie is an absolute delight.    But this doesn’t happen by accident.  Movies that will stand the test of time are the result of skilled craftsmen collaborating around a unified vision of an excellent story. In most cases they consume copious amounts of time and money. How is a Christian to accomplish this grand vision and create a compelling work of art that will touch the hearts of his fellow man?


Christians making movies are scattered across the continent (and around the globe, though initially this site will be available exclusively to North American filmmakers). Film festivals have offered one solution and enabled filmmakers to meet up face to face, discuss projects and watch completed movies.  Yet in the actual packaging, production and presentation of the movies themselves most independent filmmakers have been forced to repeatedly reinvent the wheel in order to get their movies made.  Till now!

With Christian Film Connect, you have one dedicated portal to help you find new projects, share your own, connect with professional cast and crew, pitch your project safely and securely, and move your film towards presentation by aligning with the distributor of your choice. We’re really excited about the possibilities and hope you are too! So plug in, get connected, and start making some movies!


Your Dream Projects Are Waiting

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How It Works

Getting up to speed on Christian Film Connect couldn’t be easier


Register Account

Sign up using email or social login credentials


Create Profile

List work history and select interests


Search Projects

Use criteria to find projects to join or post your own


Make Movies

Package projects, get funding, and start rolling cameras!

Looking for Resources?

Finding the perfect crew or cast member for your dream project just became a thing of the past. Search by profession, title, location and make those connections

If you need further assistance, visit our FAQ or select Premium Services for assistance in preparing your package, connecting with investors and custom distributor invitations.


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$ 0
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Standard Member

$ 10
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  • Find Projects
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  • Opportunity Matches
  • Industry Insights
  • Connect to Distributors

Premium Member

$ 100
  • Find Crew
  • Find Cast
  • Find Projects
  • List Projects
  • Opportunity Matches
  • Industry Insights
  • Connect to Distributors
  • Script Analysis
  • Financial Analysis
  • Project Packaging
  • Connect to Investors
  • Project Promotion
